Sarah Walters
Sarah Walters, OYC’s Managing Director is a dynamic practitioner, passionate about achieving best opportunities for our young people. Sarah is a Qualified Social Worker, Systemic Practitioner and Practice Educator. Through Sarah’s strong leadership the team at OYC work closely promote our young people to optimise their potential.
All employees undergo mandatory training to ensure we continue to deliver a high quality service. All new employees receive full mandatory training via the company’s induction programme.
All support workers have achieved, or following a six month probation period will be supported to work towards, an appropriate NVQ Level 3 Diploma qualification in Health and Social Care. Training needs are reviewed regularly during monthly supervision sessions, and annual appraisals reflect on both the individual learning goals and the needs of the service.
We also have dedicated Support Workers whom have areas of specialism which include managing challenging behaviours, engaging with teenage parents, supporting Unaccompanied Young People, play therapies and pastoral care.
Sarah Walters
Sarah Walters
Sarah Walters
Sarah Walters
Sarah Walters
Sarah Walters