• 07903 465 366
  • info@optimumyc.co.uk

Admissions at Haven House

Admission Process


Admission to Haven House is carefully planned and organised, both for the young person moving in and for the wellbeing of our young people in residence. Referrals are accepted from local authorities.


Every referral is subject to a comprehensive placement assessment where we largely focus on matching suitability which takes into consideration the wellbeing and progress of the individual needs of all the young people already in residence and the level of impact and potential risks any new placements will have. The final assessment will be signed off by the Home Manger .


We will endeavour to state from the outset any additional resources necessary to meet individual needs. Similarly, professionals and family will be made aware of the general philosophy of the home and its relationship to the rights and needs of the individual. If a trial period is felt to be appropriate, then the home must be aware of its timescale to meet the specific needs of the other young people and their reactions may also be closely monitored.


We strongly promote planned and meaningful transition period and a thorough assessment process which gives some time to our young people to form more positive attachments to our staff. However, we understand that in certain situations we may consider same day placement, and this will only be accepted once our experienced management team have carefully completed a pre-admission assessment and in-depth discussions have been held with our young people in residence and the Placement Team.

Process for a Planned Admission
at Haven House

Stage 1

Home Manager receives enquiries/referrals and discussions are held with the Responsible Individual regarding the matching suitability and identified needs of our resident young person.

Stage 2

Placement Meeting is held to agree a written plan setting out how the placement will contribute to meeting the needs of the young person.

Stage 3

Arrangements are made to meet the young person and others as advised by the placing authority.

Stage 4

A pre-admission assessment is made taking into account the educational and care needs of the young person so that we know exactly with the information what the young person’s needs are and how we can support them consistently and appropriately. This will be shared and communicated with the IRO.

Stage 5

A Transition plan is drafted and discussed with the placing authority.

Stage 6

Placement Agreement is made following an initial visit by the young person who is also given a copy of the Children’s Guide.

Stage 7

On admission the young person will be registered with the local GP, Dentist, optician and a health check will be completed.

Stage 8

Placement Plan is completed within one week of admission and reviewed at each statutory review, one month, three months and six months into placement.